We are a food justice centered non-profit, focused on Securing Local Harvests & Fighting Hunger in Greater Los Angeles
By Securing Local Harvests, Farm2People is Strengthening the Local Food Supply Chain
California is the nation’s largest food producing state, yet 1 in 4 LA County households remain food insecure. We are working to bridge the divide between rural agricultural productivity and urban need.
Farm2People brings local farm produce surplus to food insecure people through farmer-focused support. In other words, we economically support farmers in order to fight hunger in and around Los Angeles. We are value chain operators, on a mission to build a food secure SoCal region.
Farm2People Promotes Regenerative Agriculture and Resists Large Scale Industrial Farming Methods
Farm2People focuses its farm-side support on independent growers who practice various forms of regenerative agriculture. Some practice organic farming, some are certified organic. Some are certified sustainable. Some practice cover cropping, no-till and dry farming. All have reduced or no use of synthetic chemicals. The farmers in our network self-report various methods they use to minimize soil disturbance and build up the organic matter in soil. Their practices are safer for workers, safer for the health of the consumer, safer for our ecologies. We recognize that many definitions of regenerative proliferate. Our goal is simply to support growers doing the work.

“Delivering a vision for sustainable, inclusive, efficient, nutritious and healthy food systems will require stepping outside of siloed thinking and reinventing cooperation across the food system.”
“Innovative Food Partnerships Offer A Way Forward to the Future of Food”
by Sean de Cleene, Maria Elena Varas, & Ishmael Sunga