Black Food Sovereignty: Meet Crop Swap LA


F2P family, today, as part of our mission to learn and share learning, we reflect on the idea of food sovereignty and, more specifically, Black food sovereignty so let’s get into it.

Food sovereignty - as defined by Wikipedia - is a food system in which the people who produce, distribute, and consume food also control the mechanisms and policies of food production and distribution.

So then Black food sovereignty is a food system in which Black people and Black communities produce, distribute and consume food while also controlling the mechanisms and policies of food production and distribution.

Centuries of institutional and structural racism in America have denied Black communities access to opportunities and resources that have been offered to White people and communities. This has had a devastating effect on how Black individuals and communities have been able to control the means of their own food production and by extension control the health of their communities. Black food sovereignty efforts are working to reverse this injustice!

Source: Crop Swap LA

Source: Crop Swap LA

One incredible organization here in Los Angeles that you need to know is @lacropswap ...

Crop Swap LA is a social enterprise that unites gardeners across LA to grow and share their extra produce and homemade goods within their greater community.

Predominantly focused in South LA, Crop Swap LA is fighting hunger by farming in unused spaces, by paying growers and by making produce accessible and available to the community in which the food is grown. Black owned and operated, this organization sets a tremendous example to all of us working towards food justice!

Please visit their site and support their work!


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