Farmworkers Continue Operating in COVID-19 Uncertainties


"What we have right now is farmworkers with the title of essentiality, without any protections or safeguards that come with that title.”

We are moved by this quote in a recent Food Tank article by María De Luna, National Policy and Advocacy Coordinator at Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, that essentially says that our farmworkers continue being exacerbated by issues related to COVID-19.

While efforts were successful last year to advocate for a second round of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program - which provides financial assistance to farmers - it does not address all the needs for farmworkers. Many have limited access to healthcare and live below the poverty line. This presents barriers to COVID-19 testing and treatment, and when farmworkers do test positive, many risk unpaid time-off and fear lay-offs.

Even more troubling, the Salinas Californian recently reported that from interviews conducted by The California Institute for Rural Studies and more 60 farmworkers, they continue to feel unprotected to COVID-19 by their employers and regulators in charge of enforcement. This includes free face masks, functional hand-washing stations, social distancing and paid sick leave.


If you want to advocate for farmworker communities during COVID-19 , Alianza Nacional de Campesinas has an emergency relief fund set up on their website. Also, F2P is here to mend the disrupted food supply chain, and our bio link has information on how you can donate and volunteer to help out!

Donate to Alianza Nacional de Campesinas

Learn more: Food Tank Article and The Californian


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